

Thirteenth Name: Lan Nara
Source Name: Reyquint Jubilex
Age: 800+
Hometown Thousand Mile Peach Blossom
Class: Summoner-Astrologian
Occupation: Advisor
Tail amount: 5


Reyquin is a Follower of Jubilex. He is clean, and thinks of himself a gentleman. He prefers the Eastern Lands over the Western. He
Likes: Jubilex and other Kitsune
Hates: Disrespectful fools, against his Lord.

Voice Claim: Testament-Guilty Gear.

In the voice of Jubilex. Cosmic Voice.

Relations-Future Relations

Lord Jubilex
Cosmic Lord.
The Void-God of Ash
My Lord gives all and Is all. He is the Flesh... the Faceless One.

Chapter of Ash

The Lan Clan
Void-Fire Kitsune Clan
Soon I will revive them all.


the past

Before the Darkness.
I was born as a good Omen. A Black Kitsune in the Guardian Fox Clan, for told to be not just the Clans savior.. but of all Kitsune alike. I never understood, yet I studied, honed and perfected my every being. Guiding the young and old. I was intrusted with everything.
